Bible Stories

In our R.E. lessons this half term we have been reading lots of different bible stories. Noah’s Ark and Joseph’s Coat were our favourites. We made a promise rainbow from Noah’s Ark and we recreated Joseph’s coat of many colours – have a look at our brilliant work.

Maths Carousel

Year 1 worked very hard in the hall this morning with help from the Year 5 children to complete the activities from the Maths Carousel. We had lots of fun working with our partners to work out the answers to the puzzles. Thank you to Year 5 for organising it!

We love Heywood!

In our topic this half term we are going to be learning about the United Kingdom.  Today we have been talking about Heywood where we live and what is good about it. We went on Google maps and had a tour around Heywood where we visited lots of different things Read more…

Easter Egg Competition

We have had some fantastic entries for the Easter Egg competition in Willows class. Everyone has worked really hard to create some really imaginative ideas. Miss Jones has had a very hard job choosing the winner. Have a look at our creations!

en English