Christmas jumper day

Today we have been very excited coming into school, it has been Christmas jumper day! We listened to Christmas songs in the hall and ate our very own Christmas dinner. We are super excited about Christmas Day and hope our food will be just as yummy as today.

The Gruffalo’s child

This week we have been reading the story ‘The Gruffalo’s child’, we identified the characters in the story and we worked together to Fred talk the sounds. During choosing time we have been able to create our own footprints using paint and played with our very own Gruffalo crumble. We Read more…

The little red hen

In literacy we have been reading the story the little red hen. The animals did not want to help the hen make the bread until it was time to eat the bread. However the little red hen decided she was not going to share the bread with the other animals. The Read more…

Pirates love underpants

We came in the classroom and noticed underpants everywhere! We had no idea who had left them there and someone had left us a letter. The letter was from the pirates and they needed our help to find the golden underpants. We read the story and decided we needed to Read more…