Maple’s Library Visit

This afternoon Maple visited Heywood library. All the children were really eager to get to the library and choose a book. Before our visit we discussed favourite authors and topics that we were interested in. Once at the library, everyone was busy selecting a book to bring back to school. Read more…

Digestion Time!

Maple have been investigating the digestive system this afternoon. Everyone was treated to a demonstration using bananas, biscuits, cola and a pair of tights, by Mrs Grindrod. There were many laughs and giggles but we are now all fully fledged experts in the digestive system!

Place Value Fun

Year 4 have been busy this morning representing 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s using counters. There was some excellent discussion using mathematical words. We have even worked on challenges in groups to solve problems.

Building fun

This morning Maple have been busy building! A lady from the school building project carried out a session with us all about ‘Structures’. We had to make tetrahedrons using the wooden sticks. We then got busy trying to make the biggest structure we could with them. The children all had Read more…

Teethbrushing Fun!

Year 4 Maple were busy today investigating how good we are at brushing our teeth properly. We’re pleased to report that everyone is doing a good job at brushing away plaque from their teeth!

Maths Roadshow

Well done to everyone today for some fantastic maths investigating! Wonderful teamwork and excellent reasoning skills shown. What a great way to make use of all your maths skills 😀0⃣✖️➕➖➗📊🎲👐

Rainforest Shelter Building

Year 5 have had a great afternoon building the rainforest shelters they have been designing. Everyone worked really well with their partner, thinking about their design features and changing them where necessary to make sure their shelter was sturdy and protective. Great work Year 5!