R.E. – Islam

Year 5 have been learning all about Islam and what in means to be a Muslim in Britain today. This week we had a special visitor who is a devoted practising Muslim. She spoke to the children about the religious month of Ramadan and celebrating the Festival of Eid-Ul-Fitr. Year Read more…

British Science Week!

Year 5 Juniper have had a fantastic time with an afternoon full of science to celebrate British Science Week. Children were able to research and present factual information about Nikola Tesla (a famous electrical scientist in history) by actively retrieving information about him and presenting it in a booklet. Together, Read more…

Science – Electrical Circuits

In our science lesson today, Year 5 have been exploring with components of electrical circuits to learn about the flow of electricity and how it compares with static electricity. Children were able to identify the different components of electrical circuits and discover the conditions for electricity to flow which makes Read more…

Learning for Life

In today’s Learning for Life lesson, Year 5 have covered the topic of ‘Vaping’ and the health risks associated with it. Together, we discussed the severe health risks of smoking cigarettes and the addiction to Nicotine. We then compared this to vaping, to understand the reasons why people choose to Read more…