This week, Reception have been reading ‘The Little Red Hen’. In the story, the red hen wants to bake bread but none of her friends will help her. We have been discussing how this will make the hen feel and how we would behave differently. Bluebells have been talking about how we can be good friends and be kind to others. We are think we need to treat others as we would like to be treated.
This afternoon, the red hen has asked us to help her instead. She sent us a recipe for baking bread and the ingredients. She asked us to bake the bread for her. We all decided that we will help her and we have worked together this afternoon to make the dough.
We had to follow the hen’s recipe step by step to make the dough. We have been using and practising a variety of skills this afternoon. We have been counting ingredients, measuring the ingredients, reading a recipe and problem solving with the dough. It couldn’t be too sticky! The recipe told us that we needed to leave it half an hour to rise. So, Miss Longmire is going to put it in the oven for us tonight. We can’t wait to see how it turns out!
We hope it tastes yummy tomorrow!