We have been having lots of fun in Bluebells class this week, while we have been doing lots of Easter activities. The decorated eggs that everyone brought in were fantastic! It was really hard to choose a winner and everyone should be very proud of their egg.

This morning we had a special visiter come and see us…

He was very cute and cuddly, we didn’t want him to leave!

We been very busy this morning, as we have also had an Easter Egg hunt. We needed to find as many eggs as we could and put them in our bag. When the bell rang, we came inside and carefully counted the amount of eggs we had. We all collected so many, I was very impressed!


Well done to the joint winners, who collected a huge 55 eggs!

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter and we can’t wait to hear all about it when we come back 🐣

Categories: Whole School


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