This week has been eco week at St Luke’s. We have talked about what is spoiling our world and what we can do to help this and what we can do to help create an eco friendly school. This links with our RE in which we are learning about the creation story. We began the week by planting parsnips in Kaydens garden which we will harvest and use in the kitchen. Later in the week, We used recycled newspaper to make a kite. Finally, this afternoon we went to Queen’s Park to take pictures of colourful and beautiful nature ready for next weeks RE lesson before spending a few minutes testing out our kites. Unfortunately it wasn’t very windy but we had lots of fun running around to get them into the air. Let Miss Lomax know how well your kites worked if you manage to try them at home on a windy day 😊🔸🔷
Art & Design
Year 3 Birch – Christmas cards
We had lots of fun using the stencils to create our Christmas cards. We used a sponge to create a colourful background. Report Anything Issue: * Problem with this post I need help I’m being Read more…
1 Comment
Mrs Nuttall · 13th May 2019 at 2:07 pm
Amazing, Year 3! What a fantastic idea to create kites out of recycled newspaper. Love the design too! Mrs N x