Thursday 17th February was random acts of kindness day. This year our new Anti-bullying/ Kindness ambassadors helped to come up with some ‘Acts of kindness’ ideas that classes could take part in. Each class then chose a random act of kindness to complete. Reception made kindness cards for a friend in another class, Year 1 collected donations for the animal shelter, Year 2 will be completing litter picking after half-term (postponed due to the weather), Year 3 are collecting unwanted clothes and toys for a charity shop, Year 4 collected items for the foodbank, Year 5 decorated biscuits for the reception children and made kind coupons for their families, and Year 6 wrote poems and created artwork for the Old people’s home. Even the staff were treated to a little surprise and a kind note from the anti-bullying ambassadors.
A big well done to the anti-bullying ambassadors on their first task, well done to all the children involved, and a big thank you to all the families who supported us with the donations.
1 Comment
Nomin · 19th February 2022 at 8:44 am
It was very FUN!