This afternoon, Snowdrops have had such a lovely time working with Year 6 in their classrooms. We shared a story called ‘Come over to my house’ by Dr Seuss. We talked about how all of the houses in the story were very different to each other, just like our own houses, and chose a favourite house from the book. However, we also found that all of the houses were the same as they each housed a family and was a special place where people felt like they belonged. The children then worked together to make lollipop stick house pictures. They had lovely discussions about who lives in their houses, their favourite belongings and the different rooms in their houses. They thought about how they feel at home and wrote these words around their house. The children were all really pleased with the outcome of their time together.
Art & Design
Year 3 Birch – Christmas cards
We had lots of fun using the stencils to create our Christmas cards. We used a sponge to create a colourful background. Report Anything Issue: * Problem with this post I need help I’m being Read more…