Social Reading

This afternoon, the year 1 children spent some time completing social reading. The children chose a partner and a book of their choice, to sit and read together. The children were very grown up. They sat beautifully taking turns to read and discuss the books. I 

Reading Rivers

Well done to Juniper for a fantastic first few days on their year 5 journey! We have been so impressed with their attitude towards their learning. We have shared our love of reading during this week by discussing our favourite authors and books. We’ve written a 24 hour reading journal Read more…

Skill Improvement Carousel

On Thursday afternoons this half-term, Year 2 are completing a carousel of activities to improve various skills. They are improving their letter formation using ‘bubble writing’, working on their comprehension skills using information based on our current topics, practising their spellings through a variety of activities and, this week, practised Read more…