Eye of the cornet
Thank you to all the parents that feeling to year 5 brass assembly. Year 5 did amazingly well. Here are some pictures from the show.
Thank you to all the parents that feeling to year 5 brass assembly. Year 5 did amazingly well. Here are some pictures from the show.
We want to wish a very happy Mother’s Day to all the mums, aunties and nans of year 5. We hope you enjoy your cards and flowers.
In French today we been recapping on our French vocabulary of different clothes. The children have been building on their children prior knowledge to start to use phrases about clothes. Here are some pictures of our lesson.
To start our new topic Year 5 kindly let us observe their music lesson. We had lots of fun and cannot wait to start playing instruments in our music lessons.
This half term we have been reading the book friend or foe. The story is about two boys, who are evacuated from London in world war 2. To help improve our writing, children experienced what it would be like to be a child during world war 2. Children had to Read more…
Continuing with our work on our topic peasants, prince and pestilence, we have been created animated cartoon style drawings of a plague doctor. Here are some pictures of our work.
For challenge 2 we created two different videos. For the first video we created step by step instructions on how to log onto a computer. This is then going to be used to help reception and Year 1 children: Click the link below For the second video we have Read more…
A reminder for Year 5 students. The Mars insight landing takes place at 7.12pm. Come and join the rest of the world watching the insight landing on mars. Watch live at –
In science, we have been learning about the colassal sizes of the solar system. We scaled down the solar system sizes to recreate the solar system. Dividing by 1,000,000,000 is trickier than it looks.
As part of our English work, we are working on creating a balanced argument. To get different people’s view points, we created an interview to interview a different members of staff. Mrs Shepherd came and gave us an interesting view point.