
why and how does heat transfer through a solid? During this lesson, the children acted out solids, liquids and gases when heat had been applied. In a solid, the particles vibrate quicker and heat energy is passed between each particle, through a chain or particles and eventually through the whole Read more…


Year 6 had a fantastic time at the church celebrating our Christingle. It was a lovely service and we really enjoyed the parents being there to join us. The children did really well and we are super proud of them all! A huge well done to all the speakers that Read more…

Geography – Fieldwork

This afternoon, both year 6 classes went to Queen’s Park to carry out fieldwork linked with our Geography topic – fieldwork. The children used their knowledge of conducting fieldwork and field sketches to carry out a sketch of our local area. They used an acronym OASIS (orientation, annotations, scales information Read more…