The children have had a wonderful night sleep and they’ve thoroughly enjoyed breakfast this morning. This morning the children have done abseiling, orienteering, giant swing and challenge course. Every child has been amazing and really tried to conquer their fears of heights. Well done all.

We’ve Arrived At PGL

Year 6 have safely arrived at PGL, and have already enjoyed activities such as abseiling, climbing and sensory trail. We’re currently playing archery tag and designing a device to keep a water balloon safe when it’s dropped from the roof of the centre!

STEM challenges – GSS

Yesterday, Year 6 had a great time working on five different STEM challenges for the Great Science Share. The Great Science Share allowed the children to develop their own scientific questions,  carry out their own enquiries and to gather evidence to answer their questions.  The children had five challenges: balloon Read more…

Macro photography

Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their new topic in Art, focusing on photo opportunities. Yesterday, using the iPad, children took pictures of fruit in the style of Edward Weston. The children used the photo editing app to edit their images. Have a look at our work.

SATs celebrations

On Monday year 6 enjoyed a full day of celebrating completing their SATs. All of the staff at St Luke’s are immensely proud of the children for their hard work, commitment and resilience last week when completing their tests. The children have worked so hard leading up to their SATs Read more…