Coding hour

Year 3 have been working their coding this week. They have been using their problem solving skills to help complete coding challeneges. here are some pictures of our lesson

Allah in nature

In R.E, we have been studying how different people see God. We learnt that Muslims can see their God through nature and all its wonder. We went on a nature walk and created worship plates to show respect to nature. Here are some pictures of our lesson.

Music assembly

Wow Rochdale music services what an amazing assembly, thank you so much! The children thoroughly enjoyed you coming in and were really keen to answer questions about the instruments you were playing and talk about them. You have inspired a lot of children to continue to play their instruments or Read more…

Reading up a storm

Year 3 Cedar has working really hard on improving their reading skills this week. In our guided reading lesson, we are enjoying reading our class novel ‘The Stone Age Boy’ which has helped improve our topic vocabulary and has also inspired our writing in our English lessons and topic lessons. Read more…

Cave paintings

Year 3 have been recreating cave paintings this week. Using chalk and charcoal, children designed and created a cave painting that might have decorated the walls of a Stone Age persons home. Here are some pictures of our work.

Digging up the Stone age.

Year 3 have been archaeologists this afternoon, excavating Stone Age artifacts from sand. The children were tasked with finding and evaluation what the purpose and origin of the artifact was. The children did a fantastic job. Here are some pictures of our afternoon.