Equivalent capacities
Today we have been finding equivalent capacities. we used our fractions/ times table skills to help us with our learning.
Today we have been finding equivalent capacities. we used our fractions/ times table skills to help us with our learning.
This week was our final week of our abstract sculpture topic. We worked in groups, we tried to create the most abstract structure that we could. Here are some pictures of our learning
In our art lessons we have been learning about different shape and sculpture. We have learnt how different sculptors fit shapes together and how they make sculptures. Here are some pictures of our learning.
Today we had our first forest school session. We really enjoyed ourselves. Here are some pictures of our learning.
Thank you to all the children and parents that joined in with our nspccc number day. we all had a great day
Today we have been working on improving our understanding of online safety. we started by reading Tek the Morden cave man and then completely activities on purple mash to see what we had learnt.
We have been exploring our Christian value of respect. We understand the importance of sustainability (we’ve been learning about that in science) and wanted to use our art / craft skills to create an art piece for a display in the hall that encompasses all of our learning. Here are Read more…
Today we have been learning our last sewing skill appliqué. We will be using our skills to create a cushion at the end of the half term. Here are some pictures of our learning
Thank you to all the parents/ carers that came to our shared learning and lunch. We hope you had a great time, we certainly did 😃😃😃
Today we have been working on our dividing skills. We have been using counters to help us divide numbers which aren’t in our times tables. Here are some pictures of our learning.