Year 1 Christmas Party 🌲 🎅

Today, Year 1 had a fab Christmas party. We ate party food, played party games, sang, danced and even had a special visit from Father Christmas, who brought us all a gift. Merry Christmas to all our Year 1 Children and their families. We hope you have a fabulous half-term.

Toys from the past

In history, we have been learning about and comparing toys of past and present. Today, our classroom was set up to look like a toy museum. We used post-it notes to ask questions about the toys and discussed how we thought they were used. We then spent some time playing Read more…

Acting – The 3 Little Pigs

Year 1 are starting a new writing unit based on the story ‘The 3 Little Pigs’. Today we explored the story by reading it, talking about the vocabulary (including nouns, verbs and adjectives) and discussed ideas of how we could improve the story using our fantastic adjective ideas. We then Read more…

Which wall will fall?

In Science last half-term, we learnt about materials and their properties. This half-term, we are using all of this knowledge in our new topic ‘Building Things’. We talked about a class of children who went on a school trip to the rainforest who had to quickly use the things around Read more…