Whole School
A fabulous Summer fair with a great turn out.
A fabulous Summer fair with a great turn out.
Today, the Reception children had their transition day in their new classrooms with their new teachers. After having circle time, in which we got to know each other, we then read the story ‘The Cautious caterpillar’ which was about a caterpillar who was very nervous and feeling a little bit Read more…
During Science, we conducted an experiment called ‘Dancing Raisins’. We placed raisins in water and also in lemonade. The raisins in lemonade started to dance. The combination of raisin and gas is less dense than the raisin alone, so when many “bubbles” form on the raisin, they lift the raisin Read more…
In science club we made walking rainbows using paper towels and food colouring. The children made predications and ensured they used scientific vocabulary to do so. The children worked in groups to plan and carry out their experiment. The children were fascinated to hear the science behind the experiment: The Read more…
The Great Science Share is an annual event, aimed at inspiring children to share scientific questions with new audiences. Harwood Park hosted the event and 5 schools’ including ours attended. Each school had a group of 8 pupils’ conducting a range of different Science experiments. We had a great time Read more…
This morning, year 6 had the SCARF workshop focusing on decisions, drugs and alcohol. during the session the children had to look at a variety of decisions they made need to make in life. The children had different cards with ‘I need to’ on. They had to order them at Read more…
We used the wool and wrapped an object, trying to cover it and create interesting patterns.
we had lots of fun investigating the shaving foam rain cloud experiment. The children used shaving foam represented a cloud, the water represented the atmosphere and the food colouring represented the rain. The children found that as the cloud get heavier, gravity pulls the water down out of the clouds Read more…
Today Year 6 Rowan were lucky to visit the Cherwell Centre. They spent time in the gardens and at the farm looking at, talking about and stroking the animals. The staff at the Cherwell Centre were very helpful and knowledgeable, they shared a lot of facts with us about the Read more…
We took part in ‘The great science share’, we worked win groups to complete a rainbow colour mixing experiment. We poured a cup of milk into a bowl, we then dropped food colouring in different areas then dropped washing up liquid into the centre to watch what happened. Then we Read more…