Y1 Oaks – Long or Short?

Today we began to learn about measure in our maths lesson. We used multilink cubes and had a competition to see who could make the longest caterpillar. One of our caterpillars was more than 30 cubes long! Then, we lined all of our caterpillars up in order from shortest to longest and compared them Read more…

Y1 Oak Learning At Home

It has been wonderful to speak to mummies, daddies and children over the phone this week and to hear that you have all been very busy and working hard! I am super impressed with your phonics work and your sentences about the Three Little Pigs! Some of you have even Read more…

Y1 Oaks – Maths

In maths recently, we have been learning all about adding numbers 1-10 by ‘counting on’. We have taken part in lots of fun addition activities such as adding numbers on the hopscotch outside, using numicon, adding spots to the ladybirds, adding our small world animals together, and playing an addition Read more…