Year 1 Art Week

Last week was art week at St Luke’s. In class we learnt about careers that involve art, learnt more about mark making and about the artist ‘Mr Doodle’. We also created our own landscape art using mark making. On Wednesday and Friday afternoon, we were very lucky to have a Read more…

Craft- Weaving

During this half-term, Year 1 have been learning the craft of weaving. We have learnt: wrapping, warp and weft, tying knots and plaiting. The children then added all their crafts to their individual loom boxes.

Position and direction

This week, Year 1 began a new maths unit ‘Position and direction’. Our first lessons were on full, half and quarter turns, and left and right. To improve our understanding, we headed outside for some practical lessons. We practised different turns with partners using objects and areas of the playground. Read more…

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