Library Visit

  Willows went to the library on Monday where we took our books back that we borrowed. We then had a story about bears and chairs (you wouldn’t believe how many words rhyme with bear!) and we chose our own books to take back to school with us. We had Read more…

Meerkat Mail

It was a lovely start to our Monday morning. We read Meerkat Mail in pairs and as a class and looked at the different postcards within this book. Some children found it funny, some children related to the main character, Sunny. Working in pairs was great because it gave us Read more…

Bedtime Reading Star

In Willows we have a lovely opportunity for you and your child to sit back, relax and have a lovely hot chocolate each whilst enjoying a book or two at bedtime.   Each week we will choose someone that has shown perseverance, hard work and has been an asset to Read more…

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