Marine Life #EcoSchoolsAtHome

Why not try something different for home learning this week? Below, I have added some screenshots of the Eco schools website, suggesting some activities that your children might love to do during these times. This is the direct link If you do one of these activities, please tweet us Read more…

Hand washing

We talked about the importance of hand washing today. Some adults and children used paint to represent germs because they ‘hadn’t washed their hands’. We played a clap and high 5 game where each child ended up with some blue paint on their hands. This showed how much the germs Read more…

Magna Trip

  We had an amazing time at Magna! We explored Fire, Water and Air through different experiments and we also had a magnet workshop where we investigated how strong some magnets can be! We also went on the park in the sunshine! What a lovely day we have had. Well Read more…

Science fun… Planting!

Oaks had so much fun planting beans last week! We planted 2 types: runner beans and broad beans.   They added soil into their plant pot and then popped their chosen bean into the soil and covered it up. They brought it home to water and look after. Whose beanstalk Read more…