Energy – speed

Rowan have extremely enjoyed our science topic, ‘energy’. This week the children have been learning all out energy, different energy stores and how it energy can be converted and transferred. They have also looked at different equations to work out efficiency, speed and power. They particularly loved looking at speed Read more…

African Drumming workshop

Rowan have enjoyed playing the Djembe – a goblet drum from Africa. Mr Genty from the Rochdale Music Service told the children all about the drums history and how the African people used to gather, sing and dance to the drums. The children really enjoyed beating the drums to a Read more…


Year 6 have started a new topic in science ‘energy’. We started the new topic by discussing key vocabulary, exploring energy and looking at the different energy stores, then we conducted an investigation with elastic bands. The children had to investigate how far the elastic band could travel. Children picked Read more…

Safer Internet

Today year 6 have been deepening their understanding of ‘online safety’ by watching a video all about staying safe online and completing a quiz on purplemash. We discussed our digital footprint and how different apps online and phones and their settings can impact our safety when online. The children had Read more…