Eco Committee
Minibeast Hunt
This week in school it is Eco Week. This afternoon in Willows we have been talking about what animals live in our school environment. We went on a minibeast hunt in Kayden’s Garden to see what we could find.
This week in school it is Eco Week. This afternoon in Willows we have been talking about what animals live in our school environment. We went on a minibeast hunt in Kayden’s Garden to see what we could find.
We went into Kayden’s Garden this afternoon and became gardeners! First we had to take all of the weeds out of our planter and then we planted some rainbow carrot seeds and watered them. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they start to grow soon!
We had fun in the hall this morning taking part in the Maths Roadshow, working with our partners to complete some maths investigations. Some of them were very tricky but we didn’t give up!
This afternoon we have been thinking about what makes us special and why we should all be proud of ourselves.
So many fantastic Easter displays were made by the children in Willows. Well done to everyone who entered for taking the time to make something. An even bigger well done to the two children who were chosen as the winners!!
We received a letter this morning to tell us that the Alien that had landed at our school a few weeks ago has been spotted in Morrisons car park over the weekend. Just incase the alien decides to visit our school, we have made alien masks to wear to help Read more…
As part of our ‘Moon Zoom’ topic, we spent the afternoon learning about a famous man who was the first person to walk on the moon – Neil Armstrong. We decided that we would like to be astronauts for the day and go in a rocket to the moon! We Read more…
After receiving the letter from the aliens and finding out they had crashed their spaceship, we decided that we should make them a new spaceship to help them get back to their planet. First of all, we completed a design sheet where we listed what materials we were going to Read more…
This week in our maths lessons we are carrying on learning about partitioning and tens and ones, but we are learning to use different ways to represent 2-digit numbers. Today we learnt how to use tens frames to do this.
Today we received a letter from two aliens called Zig and Zog telling us that their spaceship had crashed in our school grounds They wanted us to teach them about materials so they could decide which would be best to use to fix their spaceship. We decided to create a Read more…