Year 5 Geography Fieldwork

Last week, Year 5 made the most of the sun with a trip to Queen’s Park for our geography fieldwork. The children worked in pairs to find a suitable location for a picnic taking a number of factors into consideration, such as safety, suitable grounds, surrounding nature, weather etc. We Read more…

Crazy Creatures visit Year 5

This week Year 5 have had a special visit from Emma and her crazy creatures. As our current Science topic is ‘Humans and animals overtime’, Emma came to not only to show us her fantastic animals, but also to teach us some amazing facts about them, including their animal kingdoms, Read more…


Year 5 have made a fantastic start to their Science topic ‘Humans and animals overtime’. So far we have learnt: the theory of evolution and how it was discovered, how fossils are formed and provide evidence of evolution and animal kingdoms and how they have developed overtime. To help embed Read more…