Firework poetry

This week we have written our own firework poems. We began the week in the immersive room watching a firework display and gathering vocabulary, we then looked at good examples of firework poetry highlighting the key features. We then wrote a poem in groups focussing on onomatopoeia before writing a Read more…


This half-term in R.E, we have been looking at the topic of Harvest. We learnt all about how and why Christians celebrate Harvest and then looked how it is celebrated in other faiths. We looked in paticular at the Jewish festival of Sukkot and built our own Sukkahs.

Maths Addition and Subtraction

We have been working really hard on addition and subtraction of 1-digit from and to 3-digit numbers. Today we used Base 10 to help support our understanding of exchange and re-grouping. Tomorrow we will be using this knowledge to help us understand column method addition and subtraction.