Macbeth Drama
Year 4 have been working hard in English, writing Macbeth’s diary recount. To help us plan our work, we enjoyed acting out the scenes after King Duncan’s death in class today. We have some amazing actors and actresses!
Year 4 have been working hard in English, writing Macbeth’s diary recount. To help us plan our work, we enjoyed acting out the scenes after King Duncan’s death in class today. We have some amazing actors and actresses!
This afternoon Year 4 enjoyed investigating the properties of bubbles. At the start of the lesson the children generated lots of scientific questions that they wanted to investigate. Some of these included: Are bubbles a solid, liquid or a gas? Why do bubbles burst? Can you hold a bubble? Why Read more…
Year 4 invited their parents and carers into class to join in with a science experiment this morning. We all had a fantastic time investigating viscosity. First, we explored a range of different liquids and their properties. We then used our maths skills to measure accurately. After this, we planned Read more…
This morning, year 4 enjoyed visiting the park to experience the atmosphere of the opening scenes of Macbeth. We did this by imagining the sounds that Macbeth and Banquo might have heard as they travelled back to camp. We then used the environment to create these noises and recorded the Read more…
In French this week we recapped previous learning on colours and animals. We also talked about masculine and feminine nouns. We then created some fabulous work using nouns and adjectives in the correct form. We had fun at the end playing French stand up bingo.