Truck Safety

This week we were fortunate enough to receive a visit from our local police force to teach us some valuable truck safety information. The children were surprised to learn how little a truck driver can see when a person is standing close to the front of the truck. The children Read more…

Orange Squash Formulations

This half term we have been investigating ‘Separating Mixtures’ for our science topic. This week we conducted an investigation into formulations and mixtures using orange juice and water. The children had fun measuring out the quantities they needed for their formulations. Some of us even enjoyed a taste test at Read more…

Forest School

Today Year 5 Juniper had our first forest school session of the half term. The children discussed our value for this half term ‘Respect’ and created acrostic poems. We had fun freeze framing our summer activities as well as doing a bug and tree hunt and playing hide and seek.

Merry Grinchmas

This morning Year 5 had a very rude visitor to class in the form of Mr Grinch himself! The children will be using the visit as inspiration to write a persuasive letter trying to convince the Grinch not to steal Christmas. He managed to wreck our Christmas tree, throw our Read more…

Chemical Changes

As part of this half term’s Science topic we are learning about physical and chemical changes. Today’s lesson focus was ‘What is a chemical change and how can we identify them?’. We learnt that a chemical change is often difficult to reverse and that the change is usually permanent. We Read more…