Today the school celebrated World Mental Health day by coming dressed in Yellow, to raise money for YoungMinds, and participating in a number of well-being activities.

Classes across the school took part in lessons and discussions about what mental health is, why looking after our mental health is important and what wellbeing activities ( both inside and outside of school) we can do to support our mental health. Classes also took part in a number of wellbeing activities such as mindful colouring, yoga, meditation, exercise, time outdoors, listening to calming music, listening to a story about wellbeing and watching clips or telling jokes to make us laugh. (It was lovely to hear the laughter throughout the school hallway this afternoon)

A big thankyou to all the families who have made a donation to YoungMinds we have raised an amazing £350 so far. The just giving page will remain open for a few more days if anyone else would like to make a donation.


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