We’re Going on a Prayer Hunt

Year 6 joined the rest of KS2 on a prayer hunt. We took part in various activities across school, focusing on the following themes: Different representations of Jesus Seeds of Peace Prayer for refuge and safety Tree rings The World and Christianity Transforming natural materials into art.

#HelloYellow 2023

Today, St Luke’s celebrated World Mental Health day by coming to school dressed in yellow and raising money for YoungMinds. We took time out on this day to revisit The 5 Ways to Well-being, taking part in activities for each.


As part of our Harvest celebrations, the school council sent out a parent- mail, and put up posters asking for donations for the food bank. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated. Mr Singleton will be dropping these off today and I’m sure it will be very much Read more…

Wiggle Worship

This morning, Wiggle brought us another Bible story about Nehemiah, ‘Nehemiah leads the way’. In the story, the people were celebrating building the city of Jerusalem and took part in a parade along the city walls to praise God. We discussed how the people were showing Respect and thanks to Read more…

Wiggle Worship

In Reception we have been learning about the story of Nehemiah in Wiggle Worship. Over a few weeks, Wiggle has been bringing us a different part of the story to read together. We have been discussing how it links to respect and how it can help us. The children realised Read more…