
Today Year 4 Hawthorn put on their masks and created models of the different types of teeth. We learnt all about the types of teeth we have and their function. What a super fun lesson. Well done Hawthorn.

Random Act of Kindness

for our act of kindness, Year 6 started to lead into our new topic: Darwin’s Delights.   Much of Darwin’s research centred around bird, most famously the finches of the Galápagos Islands. We created bird feeders from lard and seed mix and set them in cups around string.   the Read more…

Buzzy bees

We’ve been buzzy worker bees this afternoon- we made some delicious honey bananas. We have been learning all about how bees make honey. To make the honey bananas we sliced the bananas then drizzled honey over the top. We then squeezed some lemon on them and sprinkled a little bit Read more…