Position and direction

This week, Year 1 began a new maths unit ‘Position and direction’. Our first lessons were on full, half and quarter turns, and left and right. To improve our understanding, we headed outside for some practical lessons. We practised different turns with partners using objects and areas of the playground. Read more…

Fun Maths Roadshow

Juniper have thoroughly enjoyed our Fun Maths Roadshow today. What excellent use they have made of their maths skills. Everyone worked really hard to complete as many investigations as they could. There was some great application of maths skills and fantastic teamwork, wonderful shows of resilience and all round enjoyment Read more…

Maths carousel – Year 4

This morning we were very fortunate to take part in a maths carousel in the hall with Mrs Grindrod and the Year 5 children. We were able to complete a wide variety of maths challenges within an allotted time. We used our mathematical knowledge to completed the questions. We thoroughly Read more…

Finding the perimeter

This week during our maths lessons we have been finding the perimeter of squares, rectangles and rectilinear shapes. We have been practicing using a ruler to measure the length and weight. The children have worked hard to add the larger numbers together or use different methods to fund the end Read more…