Beach day!

Year 5 had a great day at St Annes beach today. It was glorious weather and the children had lots of fun in the sunshine. The Lancashire Wildlife Trust set up camp for us and carried out some fantastic beach school workshops learning about the wildlife that live in the coastal habitat and how to protect them. The children explored the sand dunes using nets and found lots of minibeasts were living there. We also explored the strandline searching for signs of life such as egg cases and shells. We also carried out some practical activities to learn about the tides and why there is so much life on the beach. The children decided that they didn’t like the litter on the beach and carried out their own litter pick to clean the beach up. There was also some time to play on the beach. Everyone enjoyed building sandcastles, flying kites and frisbees. There was some fantastic teamwork going on.


Celebrating Holi

Reception have been learning about the festival of colour, Holi. To celebrate the festival, we have had a messy play afternoon today. We all went outside and chose different coloured powders to throw onto the floor and used chalk to create beautiful colours and patterns. We shouted “Holi Hai, Holi Hai” Read more…