Easter Raffle

A huge thank you from the school council to everyone who supported us in raising money for charity by buying tickets for our Easter raffle. We have raised an incredible £634 for our chosen charities! This has been split equally between the Turkey/Syria earthquake and the Ukraine, with each receiving Read more…

Dance Comp and Festival

A huge well done to some of our Ks2 children who entered Rochdale Borough Council’s dance competition on Tuesday. They competed against 11 other primary schools with the theme of ‘A night at the movies’. The children were absolutely fantastic and won the best overall dance group! Part of their Read more…

Being My Best

This week we have been talking about ‘being my best’ in our SCARF lessons. We read a story where a girl called Ruby was going to give up. So we all thought of some nice messages to encourage her to keep trying and not to give up. Everyone then acted Read more…

Keeping Safe Online

This week we have been learning about being safe online. We have discussed when we should use our iPads, mobile phones and computers. Then we discussed what we should do if something happened while we were using it. Jessie and her friends, taught us a song to help us. We Read more…