Fun at the library 📚

This morning we went to the library in heywood, we walked in a line and was very sensible walking together. When we arrived at the library we met a lady called Debbie, she showed us lots of different soft toys and we sang songs about them. We enjoyed meeting the Read more…

Baking Bread

This week, Reception have been reading ‘The Little Red Hen’. In the story, the red hen wants to bake bread but none of her friends will help her. We have been discussing how this will make the hen feel and how we would behave differently. Bluebells have been talking about Read more…

Our Favourite Books

Last week, we all brought our favourite book from home into school. It has taken us a very long time but we have managed to read everyone’s favourite book, discussed the story and why they enjoy it so much. We have loved listening to everyone’s stories from home and enjoyed sharing Read more…

Rhythm Stick lesson

This afternoon we have been learning about rhythms in our music lesson. We began our lesson singing our hello song and clapping along. Miss Taylor then gave us all a set of rhythm sticks and we played them in time to our favourite food. We like different types of food Read more…