Minibeasts 🐛🐝🐌🦋🐞🐜🕷🕸

This week we have been looking at the story ‘Mad about Minibeasts!’ And have had so much fun investigating different minibeasts. In forest school, we went on a minibeast hunt, checking to see if any had visited the bug hotels we had made the previous week and made our favourite Read more…

Forest friends

We had another lovely day of forest school today in Reception… even though the afternoon session had to be moved inside because of the storms! ⛈⚡️ We are getting so good at staying safe and remembering our forest school rules: walking around the circle and not inside it, helping our Read more…

Forest school 🌲🌿🌳

On Wednesday, Reception took part in their weekly forest school session, we had so much fun!! It was a little wet and windy but that didn’t stop us, we put on our waterproofs and set off for the forest. We remembered the rules from last time and practised walking outside Read more…

Tasting porridge

This week in Reception we have been reading the story ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’. We have been retelling the story in our class and found out that Goldilocks loved the baby bear’s porridge because it was just right. In our writing activity we got the chance to taste different Read more…

This half term Reception are taking part in forest school each Monday. We had so much fun, we completed a hunt to explore our forest area, made forest school medals (even drilling our own holes!) and at the end we had a fire and toasted marshmallows! We also learnt the Read more…

Christmas fun in Snowdrops 🎅🏼

Wow, what a fun week we had in the run up to Christmas! We finalised our nativity filming, made Christmas cards, calendars, decorations, decorated gingerbread men, watched the pantomime and then had our Christmas party! During the party we played lots of games and won prizes, we had some amazing Read more…

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