Organ Systems

As part of our Cells topic, we looked at the different organ systems in our body. We found that because organisms like humans, plants and animals have so many complex processes within them to stay alive, organs can’t carry out these roles on their own. To enable us to live, Read more…

Science Show

This week we enjoyed a science show. We learnt all about light and learnt more about sound. We were able to perform experiments and find out lots of new and interesting things. Here are some pictures


Juniper have been learning about Fossils in Science. We carried out an activity to show how fossils are made. After an animal dies, the soft parts of its body decompose leaving the hard parts, like the skeleton, behind – we used sweets to symbolise these animals. They become buried by Read more…

What is Evolution?

In science, year 5 have been learning about evolution. The children researched Charles Darwin and the work he did. To help reinforce our learning, we played a game outside which demonstrated the evolution of finches and their different shaped beaks using pegs, tweezers and chopsticks. We found the children with Read more…