
why and how does heat transfer through a solid? During this lesson, the children acted out solids, liquids and gases when heat had been applied. In a solid, the particles vibrate quicker and heat energy is passed between each particle, through a chain or particles and eventually through the whole Read more…

Thermal Equilibrium

As part of our Science topic , Heat, we looked at carrying out investigations to show the process of thermal equilibrium. We placed our hands in both ice water and warm water. Then, after 1 minute, we transferred our hands to a tray with room temperature water. We found that Read more…


This half term we are learning all about Magnetism. This lesson we have been investigating 2 different types of forces: contact forces and non-contact forces. We discussed and watched clips about friction, upthrust, air resistance, water resistance, gravitational force and magnetic force. We carried out some mini experiments to see Read more…

Rock Cycle

During our Science lesson, we used playdough to help understand the rock cycle. We make igneous rock, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rock. We explained each stage using scientific vocabulary.

Physical changes

In science this week, Year 5 have been learning about physical changes. The children learnt a song to remind them that physical changes are when a substance changes shape, form or state. We learnt that this is usually reversible. The children used their observation skills to record what happens during Read more…