Bonfire night

Please talk to your child/children about staying safe now it is darker earlier and about keeping safe during bonfire night. Click the links below for more information. / Safety First – Cycling at Night

Volcano Vocabulary

During this half term in our Topic lessons we have been learning about volcanos.  We have learnt lots of new words, some of which are quite hard to remember! We decided to put some actions to the words to try and help us remember what they mean. These are the Read more…

Stone Art

We have been learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy who creates art using stones, pebbles and rocks. We created mood boards so we could explore some of his work and then we created our own piece of art work using stones that we collected from around the school grounds. Have Read more…

The layers of the earth

Year 3 have been learning about how our earth was formed. We learnt about the 4 different layers of the earth and about what they were made of. To help with our learning, we created clay models to show the different layers. Here are some pictures.

Science Rocks

Today year 3 have been investigating the properties of different rocks. We predicted our results, investigated and concluded whether our preditions were correct. Here are some pictures of our experiment