Forest art

The children enjoyed exploring nature and producing some fantastic art. They found a stick and practised measuring lengths of wool. The children then practised tying knots to fasten the wool onto the stick. The children showed fantastic resilience and didn’t give up. They are going to use their creations as Read more…

The Storm Whale

In our English lessons this half-term, Year 1 have been completing writing based on the book ‘The Storm Whale’ by Benji Davies. As part of our learning, we used the immersive room to experience being on a boat in a storm and we used plot point images to act out Read more…

Easter in Year 1🐣

We have had lots of fun in Year 1 this week. We have learnt all about Easter traditions and why Christians celebrate Easter, made Easter cards, made Easter cakes and had our 500 dojo reward afternoon- watching a film and eating treats. Wishing you all a fantastic Easter!

Taste a Rainbow

This half-term, year are learning about being healthy in our Learning for Life lessons and our working our way to making a smoothie in D&T. This afternoon, we learnt about the 5 main food groups, we learnt how to distinguish between fruits and vegetables, and tasted a selection of fruits Read more…