Religious Education
We have really enjoyed our RE lesson’s this half term about Islam. We looked at significant Islamic resources: We also had a trip to Mecca in our immersive room:
We have really enjoyed our RE lesson’s this half term about Islam. We looked at significant Islamic resources: We also had a trip to Mecca in our immersive room:
Year 4 Hawthorn have worked extremely hard this week telling the time. They have been recapping telling the time to 5 and 1 minute. We have then started to convert time from a 12 hour clock to a 24 hour clock. We enjoyed some sun yesterday whilst using chalk to Read more…
This week we have been celebrating ‘Outdoor Classroom Day’ and thinking about how nature can improve our mental health. The whole school have had a taster session of Forest School. Everyone enjoyed being outside in nature and we have done a range of activities outdoors, despite the rainy weather. Some Read more…
This week the children completed postcards of hope. They coloured in the front of the cards and wrote messages of hope on the back. These were given to us from Morrisons, who will be distributing them with home deliveries and to various places such as Old people’s home. Morrisons also Read more…
Hawthorn have been inflating balloons using a gas called CO2. We mixed baking soda and vinegar to create an acid-base reaction. We learnt that the more baking soda and the more vinegar you mix, the bigger the reaction (more gas is made) causing the balloon to inflate and expand. Well Read more…
This half term our topic is ‘Gods and Mortals’, and in our lessons we are learning about Ancient Greece. For our topic lesson today we were lucky enough to watch a show performed by The Hobgoblin Theatre Company called Perseus and Medusa. It is one of the many Greek myths Read more…
Today, for our Bright Lights, Big City topic, we learnt about The Great Fire of London and how it started in a bakery. We took this opportunity and simply had to make our own sticky buns… We decided to write down a list of ingredients and instructions of how to Read more…
Today, Hawthorn really enjoyed experimenting with different ingredients to see how they reacted together. They worked scientifically in groups to set up simple practical enquires and report our findings. Well done!
We have had a great week getting all crafty, today we ended Spring term with an Easter egg hunt. Yummy!
After making clay pots,the next step in our design was to paint them. All we have left to do now is varnish them. Well done these look beautiful and bright, they will look lovely in Kaden’s garden.