Growth Mind-set
Dogs Trust
Today we had a special guest. The dogs trust charity’s came in to work with us about how to be safe around dogs and how to teach others to be safe around dogs. Here are some pictures of our learning.
Today we had a special guest. The dogs trust charity’s came in to work with us about how to be safe around dogs and how to teach others to be safe around dogs. Here are some pictures of our learning.
We loved putting on our special gloves to look at these artefacts. We used the magnifying glasses to take a closer look at the detail on each piece. We were amazed at what they were made of.
In year 3, we have been talking about the graffiti we found in our toilets. We were very disappointed to see this and wanted something to change. We made posters to encourage people not to graffiti on others property. We then asked Mrs Farrall if we could speak in assembly Read more…
We learnt about lots of different languages today from the various countries in Europe. We learnt how to say “hello” and “goodbye” in some of them. We then looked at the flags of Europe and made our own!
We looked more into cave art from the prehistoric times. They loved seeing the simplicity of them. We see last weeks picture that we drew and recreated it on a larger scale, using charcoal.
We used the bins to recycle all sorts of different objects today! The children discussed what each object was made out of and then put it in the correct bin.
Today we have been using charcoal like our ancestors would have done to create some Stone Age artwork. Here are some pictures of our learning.
We looked at some simple shapes to help us draw animals! We first sketched these shapes out, then added detail to create the more complex shapes and then, turn it into our animal! Can you guess what animal we had drawn?
Year 3 Birch have had so much fun for our first week back. We have made woolly mammoths, read stories, wrote about our hopes and dreams, talked about what is important to us and revised over what we learnt in Year 2.
We had lots of fun and enjoyed our treat for receiving 500 DoJos at the park.