
Juniper have been classifying adverbs this morning according to ‘where’, ‘how’, ‘when’ or ‘how much’. They then chose five of their adverbs to write complex sentences with. To finish, they tested their knowledge of adverbs by answering some SATs style questions. Well done everyone!

Well-being in the woods

On Friday, the children were wearing their clothes inside and we discussed how people can sometimes feel differently on the inside to how they seem on the outside. In Forest School, we recapped the 5 ways to well-being: get active, take notice, learn something new, connect with others and give. Read more…

Year 5 Number Fun Day

Year 5 have had a brilliant day carrying out lots of activities related to Maths, while raising money for the NSPCC. We began the day by trying to answer some of Jonny Ball’s maths questions. We then carried out Buddy’s (NSPCC’S mascot) key challenge. We then spent some time discussing Read more…

Online Safety

Juniper have been discussing online safety in the classroom and working through some potential real-life situations to see how they would react. They came up with some very sensible suggestions about what to do when gaming online goes wrong.

Science Show

Year 5 have enjoyed a science show all about electricity this morning. A scientist came to school to show us lots of demonstrations about electricity. The children really impressed us with their knowledge and they made some excellent predictions about which materials would be good conductors or insulators. Lots of Read more…

Learning for Life

In today’s Learning for Life lesson, Year 5 have covered the topic of ‘Vaping’ and the health risks associated with it. Together, we discussed the severe health risks of smoking cigarettes and the addiction to Nicotine. We then compared this to vaping, to understand the reasons why people choose to Read more…

Inside Out!

Today has been ‘Inside Out’ day in school. Juniper came to school dressed in their clothes, but inside out! Inside Out Day during Children’s Mental Health Week is an awareness campaign that aims to enable young people to start talking about their mental health. How someone looks on the outside Read more…

Shared learning & lunch

Thank you to all all the parents and grandparents who joined us for our shared learning and lunch today. The children enjoyed sharing what they have been learning in RE about places of worship. Our own place of worship in Kaden’s garden is going to look beautiful with all the Read more…


Juniper have had a fantastic morning in English today. A real life national newspaper writer visited our classroom to tell us the story of the Rochdale-Fijian link with Rochdale Rugby Hornets. The children were engaged in their reading and writing by taking themselves inside the exciting world of sports journalism Read more…