Today saw possibly the most amazing reaction to a book we have ever witnessed in Year 6.

For the past week, the children have been studying and inferring ideas and information from our latest book, The Watertower.

Each day we revealed part of the story; each day the children complained that we had to stop!

The slow reveal (a strategy embedded within our Write Stuff approach to writing) really hooked the children until eventually, Mr Hignett gave in today and we read to the end.


After the emotional roller coaster that was the cliffhanger ending, we also revealed to the children that we had the sequel to share with them: Beneath The Surface. “I actually don’t want to go outside for my break, I want to stay in and read this instead,” sums up perfectly the excitement in Year 6.

After break, we shared the sequel, which again ended in a cliffhanger. The book really gave us the opportunity to allow our imaginations to run wild, thinking about what was really in the watertower all along.

Year 6 will be writing their own versions of The Watertower and some of the extracts they have already produced have been of a very impressive standard.



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