Year 4, 5 and 6 have had a fantastic day of prayer and reflection. The children completed a range of different activities, which prompted thought-provoking discussions.

Everyone enjoyed using our new prayer cushions to find a spot in forest school where they felt calm and relaxed to have some time to reflect.

The children also thought about refugees who flee their homes in search for safety. We said a prayer and then the children enjoyed creating their own shelters in the outdoor environment.

The children were very creative and made some fabulous artwork using broken and dead things found outside. We discussed that sometimes parts of our lives can feel broken, such as friendships and promises, but with positive outlook and prayer we can transform this.

We used maps to locate various countries around the world and the children wrote prayers for others around the world.

We also compared tree rings to our own growth and development. The children thought about all the people who have guided them and helped them in their journey so far.

Finally, some children planted some bulbs around our school grounds. We spoke about how these will grow and flourish in spring with the right care.


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