Year 4 Maple

Year 4 Maple have settled in brilliantly! Our class text for our English lessons this half term is The BFG By Roald Dahl so we started the school Year off with some fun BFG activities. We created dream catchers, drew pictures of the BFG and we also looked at some Read more…

Year 1 money

During maths this week, year 1 Willows have been learning to recognise money and count coins. They have done some problem solving with coins, looked at real money and used coins to pay for items during shop role play. We’ve had lots of fun!

Great Science Share

Year 1 took part in the ‘Great Science Share’. We had to investigate the question, ‘Which solution makes the best bubble?’ We made our own bubble wands and tested a solution with a little bit of washing up liquid in it and then a solution with a lot of washing up Read more…


This week in our maths lessons we are learning how to find half of a number and half of a shape. Today we used cubes to help us find half of an amount. We made sure we shared the cubes equally into 2 groups.

Travelling Science Show

Today Year 3 had Adrian Bowden visit school with his travelling science show. We spent the morning watching the ‘Light and Sound’ show and this afternoon we watched ‘Marvellous Materials’. It was really fun and we got to take part and help him with the different investigations.  

en English