Our moon research

This afternoon, Year 5 Pine discussed our moon. We addressed misconceptions about the moon that are widely believed. We then went outdoors on a fact-finding mission and traded facts with each other. When we came back into class, we had learnt lots about the moon. We used this information to Read more…

Learning about the solar system

Year 5 Pine have worked hard this afternoon. First they told me what they had been doing at home with remote learning and lots of children could tell me lots about the solar system already. We then discussed terrestrial and jovian planets and the children worked in pairs using information Read more…

Feeling Peaceful

During our collective worship this afternoon, we thought about what makes us feel peaceful. This linked with World Mental Health day and we discussed how activities like reading, colouring and listening to music can help our wellbeing. We then talked about how Christians use prayer to let go of their Read more…