R.E. – 3D Mosque Model

As we approach the end of the RE unit about Islam and what it means to be a Muslim in Britain today, year 5 have enjoyed constructing a 3D model of a mosque following instructions. Children have been able to consolidate their learning through this hands on activity by identifying features and functions of a mosque and labelling them accurately. Well year 5, for showing excellent teamwork in your groups.

Macro Photography

As part of our new art unit, Year 6 have been looking at the work of Edward Weston and how he uses colours and close up images to create abstract art.   He creates pieces using a technique called Macro Photography: a techniques which involves taking pictures up close to capture tiny details of an object.   We experiments with using different types of fruit and vegetables, as well as different coloured backgrounds, effects and Read more…


Juniper have been creating their own databases this afternoon. We have used our new learning to create records and fields within a database and then use that information to ask the database questions. The children came up with some excellent suggestions for ‘fields’ and were able to explain whether or not we needed ‘drop-down menus’ for these and ‘numbers or text’.

Jack and the Beanstalk

We have been reading and learning about the story Jack and the beanstalk. This week we have been reading instructions on how to plant seeds and then writing our own. During forest school this week we have planted our very own beans. We are hoping the magic works and they all grow high up into the sky.

Science Show

This week we enjoyed a science show. We learnt all about light and learnt more about sound. We were able to perform experiments and find out lots of new and interesting things. Here are some pictures

Planting in Kaden’s garden

This half term we have been learning all about plants in Science. This afternoon we went up to Kaden’s garden to do planting of our own! We planted tomato plants that were very kindly donated by one of our parents, into the large planting bed using a range of gardening tools. We then used cardboard plant pots and soil and planted different vegetable seeds to take home. We can’t wait to see all of our Read more…


This half term in computing we have been looking at spreadsheets. We setup a shop on a spreadsheet on purple mash. We had to add a food item at the top and add a price next to it. We then used the add button and equals so the spreadsheet could then work out what coins we would need to make each amount.