
This half term we are learning about animals. This week we have been researching different animals and reading books to find out more about them. We have then been busy designing and creating our own animals. Some children made a jelly fish, or a crab or even a fire breathing lion who lived in the jungle!

Moving to ‘The Carnival of the Animals’

This half term, we are learning about animals and minibeasts. This morning in PE, the children listened to the different classical pieces in ‘The Carnival of Animals’ collection. They listened carefully to the music and thought about how it made them feel. We discussed the pitch and the tempo of the pieces. We talked about how the different animals might move and we moved this way to the music.

DT – playgrounds

Year 6 have been challenged to design, make and evaluate their own playgrounds in DT. The children have spent the past two days producing their own designs in groups focusing on the design criteria. The playground had to be: fun, safe, something to hide, something to climb up and something that moves. We have swings, seesaws, climbing walls, trampolines, slides, hidden tree top houses and even zip wires. Here are some of the structures we Read more…

Science club – week 1

Last night we had a fun time at science club looking at materials. We had to find the best material to use as an umbrella. The children used scientific vocabulary to make predictions. Then, they tested the best material to keep themselves dry. The children found that plastic was the best material and cars and paper was not as it eventually ripped and let water through. They knew what materials were waterproof and which ones Read more…

Post-assessment surprise!

Year 2 have been working hard completing their assessments this week. Wow! Miss Lomax and Mrs Graham could not be any prouder of them all! They have worked so so hard not just this week but all year- this has really shown in their recent work! Well done Year 2! To say well done and celebrate the end of a challenging week, we decided to surprise them with a few treats, an extra play time Read more…

Electric Poster

In this D.T unit we having been learning all about Information design and why it is important for us to have signage, posters and written communication in public places. We created an electric poster based on the Ancient Romans. In this lesson, we used our designs and assembled our poster together using a functional circuit which included a battery, bulb and wires. The posters looked fantastic when they were finished. Well done year 3!  

Organ Systems

As part of our Cells topic, we looked at the different organ systems in our body. We found that because organisms like humans, plants and animals have so many complex processes within them to stay alive, organs can’t carry out these roles on their own. To enable us to live, our bodies are made up of organ systems, which are groups of organs working together to carry out these complex processes.

R.E. – 3D Mosque Model

As we approach the end of the RE unit about Islam and what it means to be a Muslim in Britain today, year 5 have enjoyed constructing a 3D model of a mosque following instructions. Children have been able to consolidate their learning through this hands on activity by identifying features and functions of a mosque and labelling them accurately. Well year 5, for showing excellent teamwork in your groups.