Sentence stacking

In English, we have been practising our sentence structures, adding conjunctions to make our sentences more interesting and seeing if we can make sentences from packs of words that we were given. We worked in pairs and helped each other to make our sentences, then read them back to check they made sense. We wrote the sentences down and were challenged to see if we could make our sentence more interesting. The conjunctions we focussed Read more…

Fractions and finding a whole

In this lesson we have worked hard to ‘find the whole’. We used bar models to calculate the missing whole. The children used their fantastic knowledge of their times tables to help them. What a great effort everyone. Have a look at some of our work below.  

Learning for life – keeping safe.

Year 6 have been exploring the topic ‘feeling safe’. Last lesson, we discussed what a drug is. The children worked well to discuss the definition of a drug and what the terms of ‘legal and illegal’. As a class we discussed and explored what drugs are used for. We recognised that drugs are ‘A substance that people use to change the way they think, feel or behave.’ We used a Venn diagram to sort different drugs into Read more…

Reflective Friday

For our reflective Friday, we read the story of one of our inspirational people – Harriet Tubman.   We looked at how she managed to escape slavery in the southern states and then spent 11 years fighting to rescue other slaves. We looked through the window to see how her actions impacted the world, the mirror to reflect on its impact on how we think and feel, and the door to think about how we Read more…

Computing – Creating Spreadsheets

As part of our Purple Mash unit, we had to create a spreadsheet to record the results and probabilities of rolling dice. We recorded the totals and results, and used these to create graphs.   We were able to use basic formulae to total our results automatically.  


This week all classes took part in the NSPCC PANTS lesson. During these discussions we teach our pupils the following important safety skills without giving explicit information or telling scary stories. We use the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which is like a green cross code for staying safe from sexual abuse. PANTS stands for:  Privates are private  Always remember your body belongs to you  No means no  Talk about secrets that upset you  Read more…

Shared lunch

What a fantastic morning we had for our shared lunch today! Thank you so much to all of the parents who could make it. We had a great time making oracle bones from our topic The Shang Dynasty. Oracle bones were what the Shang people used to write on and were made from ox scapula or turtle shells. We made them using clay then wrote Chinese symbols on them either asking questions or telling a Read more…


This week we have been learning about Pocahontas in our computing lesson.  In computing our unit is called ‘Effective searching’ so we have been using the internet to search for facts about Pocahontas. We worked really well together to complete the quiz questions about Pocahontas’ life.

Water cycle models

During English lessons, we are writing our own guided tours all about water. Today we looked at the water cycle and created our own models. We included key words such as – evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. We have placed our water cycles on the window and will be looking at them through out the week.