Still life painting

During art lessons, Year 4 have been learning different painting techniques. Today the children drew their own still life drawings using every day objects and then they painted their drawing using their chosen technique. Both their drawings and paintings were very impressive.  

People Who Help Us

This week we are learning about people who help us. We have been learning about people such as doctors, nurses, fire fighters, vets and police officers. This afternoon, we have carefully planned and thought about a vehicle they might need. For example ambulances, police cars, fire engines etc. Everyone has then worked together to create their own vehicle. We thought carefully about which bits of modelling would be best for the wheels, the siren, the Read more…

Children’s Mental Health Week- Year 2

Today, the whole school celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week by coming to school wearing their clothes inside out. This lead our learning about talking about our feelings on the inside and how we keep good, positive mental health. We discussed our 5 ways to wellbeing, and took part in an activity for each of the ways. To CONNECT, we played ‘5 minute friendship’ in which we paired up with someone in the class that we Read more…

Inside Out Day- Children’s Mental Health

Today, the whole school celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week by attending school in non-uniform but wearing their clothes inside out. This lead us into discussions about the importance of understanding feelings, not being afraid to show our feelings, that how we look on the outside does not always reflect how we feel on the inside and that it is okay not to feel okay. The children also took part in a number of activities throughout Read more…

5 ways to well being

We have really enjoyed learning about 5 ways to wellbeing in year one. For ‘connect’ we created pictures including a drawing of someone we wanted to connect with at home, we wrote compliments and adjectives to do describe them. The children then took them home and gave them to their chosen person. For ‘Be active’ we did the wiggle dance and got our heart rates pumping, this made us feel really good! We ‘took notice’ by Read more…